Mergers and Acquisitions Professionals
Mergers and Acquisitions specialists are more often involved in the sale of larger companies: Public companies being acquired by other public companies or private equity firms; or Private companies being acquired by public or private companies or private equity firms.
For the critical owners of such companies being sold, the tax ramifications can be enormous. Whether you represent a client on the selling side or the acquisition side, being able to introduce tax planning strategies that benefit the Seller can be the difference in getting your transaction closed while also providing a demonstrable win for both buyer and seller. Traditionally, a small number of standard techniques you might recommend are Employee Stock Ownership Programs (ESOPs) or taking some of your proceeds in the form of stock in the acquiring company.
An M&A Professional can increase the value of their services by introducing their sellers to a lesser known modern tax deferral strategy proven over 25 years to be legal, proven and more than sufficiently tested by the IRS and others.
Use of this strategy can provide the seller with more flexibility, diversification, and reduced ties and exposure to the acquiring firm.
What if, in addition to demonstrating your skill and experience in structuring and negotiating successful M&A Transactions, by taking the tax problem off the table, you can do more than ever to help the Selling side walk away with even more money. Even if you represent the buyers side, if you can inform the sellers representatives that there is a tax efficient solution that mitigates their tax problem, how much closer would you be to coming to agreement on terms?
DST Comparison Scenarios
Explore some of our one-page analysis case studies that help to showcase the benefits of the modern Deferred Sales Trust strategy in real life scenarios. In the section below, you will find case study worksheets that reveal hypothetical scenarios using the DST strategy. These case studies cover different geolocations or compare different assets. Click on any of the images below to download the full view PDF scenario.
Interested in more case studies that dive deeper into the benefits of the Deferred Sales Trust? Click any of the buttons below to find additional information.
Capital Gains Tax Worries? Learn How This Strategy Can Help You Save.
How Elon Musk Could Have Deferred Millions in Capital Gains with this Strategy
Deferred Sales Trust vs Charitable Remainder Trust
4 Most Used Tax-Deferred Strategies
Benefits of Using the Accelerated Depreciation Method in Real Estate
How To Defer Capital Gains Tax
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