If your family is like many who own a business, you intend to keep it in the family across generations. However, it is also an asset that offers potential security after you pass, regardless of whether the company remains in the family.
Exit Strategy
Selling When It’s Right For You: The DST Exit Strategy
As a savvy investor, you know that there’s a time to buy and a time to sell. But what’s your exit strategy when it comes to selling one of your high-dollar, highly appreciated assets such as your business, a real estate investment, or even your personal residence?
Utilizing the DST For Your Exit Strategy
If you’re one of the nation’s 73 million baby boomers at or very near retirement age, you may well have highly appreciated assets, such as real estate or a business, that you want to sell to help fund your retirement. The problem, however, is the potentially enormous capital gains taxes you face if you dispose of these assets via a conventional sale. Unfortunately, these taxes could eat up over half of your sale proceeds.
3 Pillars of a DST
Deferred Sales Trusts (DSTs) have been in existence for years, but nevertheless remain relatively unknown today. We here at Reef Point, therefore, thought it would be a good idea to give you a brief overview of the three main pillars of a DST, namely:
The Risks and Disadvantages of a 1031 Exchange – And How the DST Can Eliminate Them
If you have invested in real estate in the past, you likely have also done a 1031 exchange. As you undoubtedly learned, however, 1031s have numerous risks and disadvantages. While they defer your capital gains tax liability when you sell a piece of appreciated real estate, the rules and regulations that apply to them can make them unappealing at best and downright dangerous at worst. Why? Because they often fail, leaving you with an enormous capital gains tax to pay.